Thinly veiled autobiography

  • Thinly veiled autobiography
  • Thinly veiled autobiography

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  • Thinly veiled autobiography meaning
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  • Veiled
  • Thinly veiled autobiography definition
  • Thinly veiled attempt.

    Autobiographical Fiction: Using Your Real Life To Craft Great Fiction

    There is a fine line between a fictionalized autobiography or memoir and autobiographical fiction. In both cases, the author includes tidbits about his or her life.

    The difference is to what extent.

    Thinly veiled autobiography meaning

    Fictionalized autobiographies are mostly a truthful telling of the author’s experience with sections fictionalized to “protect the innocent”, filling gaps where memory fails, and occasionally rearranging events for maximum narrative effect.

    Generally speaking, the reader is to believe the author’s account and take it for truth.

    On the other hand, autobiographical fiction is primarily comprised of made up events and characters that may be based on the author’s own experience and self.

    The protagonist might be modeled after the author and do at least some of the things the author has actually done in his or her life. However, the ratio of truth to fiction will be somewhat small.

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