Colin beavan electricity clip
Colin beavan electricity clip 2!
Colin beavan electricity clip
5 Realistic Lessons in Radical Consumption From No Impact Man
Consumption Misconception No. 1: By Candle's Light
About six months into the impact-reduction experiment, Beavan cuts the electricity in his home, having the family navigate the night by candlelight.
Everyone stumbles in darkness, searching for matches, and scenes of the apartment ablaze with candles resemble a church altar at Mass. PM interviewed No Impact Man's co-director Justin Schein at the film's Brooklyn premiere, but Schein was unable to provide an estimate of the number of matches and candles consumed in the name of conservation.
Unlike candles, compact fluorescent bulbs require no matches or wax (whether made from bees or petroleum) and they don't pollute indoor air with smoke. CFLs also sip power--consuming 75 to 80 percent less energy than comparable incandescent bulbs.
To put the energy consumption of a CFL in context, consider these numbers from the Long Island Power Authority: Based on 5 hours o