Biographical information meaning in dictionary

  • Biographical information meaning in dictionary
  • Biographical information meaning in dictionary text!

    Biographical information meaning in dictionary terms

    Meaning of biographical in English

    We both are interested in that and love that, but we also are a little more biographical.


    A basic biographical question, but also a way of getting at what kind of leg up a guest did or didn't have.

    From Slate Magazine

    Though this biographical sketch is intriguing, scientists caution that they don't know exactly what the planet looks like.

    From The Atlantic

    In between the social and historical dramas are the popular sketch comedy shows and biographical series.

    From The Atlantic

    Administration officials say those procedures involve a review of all known biographical and biometric data.

    Biographical information meaning in dictionary

  • Biographical information meaning in dictionary terms
  • Biographical information meaning in dictionary text
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  • From NPR

    You're marrying someone for the biographical perks of association.

    From The Atlantic

    Sometimes using biographical material adds up to little more than reporting.

    From Huffington Post

    Each book is preceded by chapter summaries and followed by a biographical sketch of the author.

    From H