Biography about nancy hart

  • Biography about nancy hart
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    Nancy Hart

    American Revolutionary War spy (1735–1830)

    For the Confederate American spy, see Nancy Hart Douglas.

    Nancy Morgan Hart (c.

    Biography about nancy hart

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  • 1735–1830) was a rebel heroine of the American Revolutionary War, noted for her exploits against Loyalists in the northeast Georgiabackcountry. She is characterized as a tough, strong and resourceful frontier woman who repeatedly outsmarted Tory soldiers, and killed some outright.

    Stories about her are mostly unsupported by contemporary documentation, and it has been impossible for researchers to entirely distinguish fact from folklore.

    Early life

    Although explicit details concerning most of her life are unknown, Nancy Ann Morgan Hart is believed to have been born in North Carolina around 1735, in the Yadkin River valley, though Some researchers think that she was born in Pennsylvania or New York state.

    She married Benjamin Hart of that area. His extended family's descendants included such famous later political figures as MissouriSenatorT