Famous mathematics brief biography of mayan

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    Mayan mathematics

    Hernán Cortés, excited by stories of the lands which Columbus had recently discovered, sailed from Spain in landing in Hispaniola which is now Santo Domingo.

    After farming there for some years he sailed with Velázquez to conquer Cuba in He was twice elected major of Santiago then, on 18 February , he sailed for the coast of Yucatán with a force of 11 ships, soldiers, sailors, and 16 horses.

    Famous mathematics brief biography of mayan

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  • He landed at Tabasco on the northern coast of the Yucatán peninsular. He met with little resistance from the local population and they presented him with presents including twenty girls. He married Malinche, one of these girls.

    The people of the Yucatán peninsular were descendants of the ancient Mayan civilisation which had been in decline from about AD. It is the mathematical achievements of this civilisation which we are concerned with in this article.

    However, before describing these, we should note that Cortés went on to conquer the Aztec peoples of Mexico. He captured